I only blog when I am emotional and it usually falls after an event that I have planned and looked forward to - thus indicating the low that follows a high (emotionally anyway).
In the new year, I hope to blog more frequently to document the blessings and joys that do come in our lives. I also hope to document the lows, so that I can remember......move on and find the graces in them.
I am starting January's Joy Dare from Ann Voskamp's Book, One Thousand Gift's http://www.aholyexperience.com/
1. Three Things About yourself you are greatful for.
- I am grateful that I am appreciative and that I recognize my blessings - family, friends, opportunities, and possessions. I really feel that I have always had a gift to feel this way. I try to not take things for granted and I stive to always be thankful.
-I have a compassionate heart. Loosing Denton has increased my compassion in some ways, its made me more aware of the struggles of other people. In some way though I do think that I have always had a compassionate heart.
-I am grateful that sometimes I take things seriously and that I am loyal.
2. A gift outside, inside, and on a plate.
Birds, Christmas Trees, Cheese
3. 3 lines that you overheard that were graces
I will have to come back to this one......
Saw and pinterest a Picture that said something about The people that are the most important to you are the ones that love you when you were the most unloveable.
4. one gift old, new, blue
-Denton's Birthstone Ring (Not so old, but worn and cherished everyday), new turkey cutting board from Mom - reminds me of Avery!, Blue Sappaire necklace and earrings Daniel bought for our 10th Wedding Anniversary.
5. something you are reading, you're making, you're seeing
I need to pick a book to read, cross-stich in memory of Denton and my two good horses, that I am going to work on when I go SEEEE Hawaii with Daniel in Febuary.
6. one thing in your bag, your fridge, your heart
-lotion; my mamaw's blackberry jam/sourdough bread starter; Avery, Denton, and Addie Rose
7.Three graces from people you love
-I think that I have gotten graces of tolerance from some of my friends
-I get daily grace from my family
-I get grace from my family - mom, June, Mamaw.....
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