Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Axes and Liberation!

Revelations.....Dave Ramsey is my hero! Maybe it is just time for a change! On our way to Gatlinburg last week I somehow started listening to Dave Ramsey and I couldn't turn him off. I rarely listen to the radio, so maybe this was meant to be. The urge to follow his guidance was and is overwhelming.

Daniel and I are on the same page of paying off some debts and saving some money, so that it might be possible for me to stay at home with Addie and be more flexible to be at functions for Avery.

So, in the last three days we have started a budget, relieved our friend/housekeeper of her duties, cancelled my Melealuca Subscription, reduced my cell phone bill by 100 dollars per month, and tried to find people who will help support our goals.

I have read that having a support system in place is extremely important. I am somewhat excited and I feel almost liberated instead of stifled by the axes that are falling on my pleasures in life. Notice the above mentioned cuts to our budget are all "me" related.

One of my goals if our ultimate goal comes to fruition will be to continue to be productive and successful for our family and for my well being. So, I have been soul searching trying to figure out how I can add to our income. I love to write.....I have always wanted to be a journalist (why I didn't do that as a career I will never know......)

I am obviously not very dedicated to this blog, but in celebration of our liberation I will be posting at least twice a week. I hope that after three months of doing this I will be eligible to apply with Blogher. Ultimately this will allow me to write for the public and possible earn a little money. I also hope to document the life of my family in a more timely and dedicated manner.

I hope that you will follow us as we embark on this journey. Change is always scary, but hopefully this change will be fruitful for our family!

Here is a list of goals I/we hope to accomplish.....July 11, 2012 so here are 11 goals on the 11th
1. Save a pile of money and live on one and partial of one income!
2. Reduce our grocery and eating out budget (so far so good) I would like to document that this endeavor did not start out easily, because our power was off for too long and we lost everything in our fridge and freezer!! I guess it a fresh start!
3. Can and save foods in the next few months as garden produce is fresh and available. I thought our tomatoes were done form but after this rain they actually look good!
4. Develop my writing skills.
5. Be more dedicated to my blog and documentation of the joyous children in my life.
6. Get back in the saddle! I really want to get back in the horse industry. This was my passion, it will be good for Avery, and I need to do something for myself. I also hope that this might lead to some income for my family(I know I know this does not sound logical, because in the words of pinterest....."horse people spend thousands of dollars for a 98 cent ribbon"
7. Bake bread from my mamaw's bread starter, and not let the starter go bad!
8. Eat cleaner - meaning less processed foods.
9. Become more organized, obviously this list of goals could be more organized......its a start!
10. Increase my love and work for God and the church.....
11. Be a more attentive mother and wife.......

1 comment:

  1. I share many of these same goals friend! I have your back & completely believe in you!! Have you tried making freezer meals once a month to reduce grocery costs? I find it frees up loads of my time & reduce cost at the same time.....there is lots of info on Pinterest about it & I'm happy to share my thoughts with you. Love your heart.....


"Over the years I've discovered that there's more to being a cowgirl than punching cows, or winning rodeo trophies, or galloping off into a movie sunset with Roy. Cowgirl is an attitude, really. A pioneer spirit, a special American brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands. They speak up. They defend the things they hold dear. A cowgirl might be a rancher, or a barrel racer, or a bull rider, or an actress. But she's likely to be a checker at the local Winn Dixie, a full-time mother, a banker, an attorney, an astronaut."

- Dale Evans, The Cowgirl Companion