Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tired.....I am tired of having to be a bereaved mother. I miss Denton and want him back!

In addition to being tired....I found out today that Avery has been telling his ESP teacher all year that he did not have a folder, so he did not have to do his homework. It is really embarrassing to have to post this, but I thought I needed to document the fact that my five year old was smart enough to consistently lie about something for almost an entire school year.

I wish I could be more positive. It was a beautiful day.

I love both of my boys very much.

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in it." - Mandy Harrison

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"Over the years I've discovered that there's more to being a cowgirl than punching cows, or winning rodeo trophies, or galloping off into a movie sunset with Roy. Cowgirl is an attitude, really. A pioneer spirit, a special American brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands. They speak up. They defend the things they hold dear. A cowgirl might be a rancher, or a barrel racer, or a bull rider, or an actress. But she's likely to be a checker at the local Winn Dixie, a full-time mother, a banker, an attorney, an astronaut."

- Dale Evans, The Cowgirl Companion